River Valley Kids Academy

Where gymnastics, education, and daycare collide!
A fun filled day for your little ones and a chance for you to get things done. Kids Academy is part-time child care with the option of once or twice a week. Classes are Monday and/or Wednesday each week from 9am to 2pm.
We have an Arkansas licensed teacher that teaches curriculum each day and a USASF certified coach to teach gym classes. We take weekly field trips to the park, splash pad, and library located less than a quarter mile from the gym.

R.V.K.A charges $30 per day per child and is open to children ages potty trained to 6 years. Drop off will begin at 8:50 and pick up is required before 2:15 without further charge. Please note we are note a licensed daycare facility.
Please email registration form to kortlind@rivervalleyelite.com